If you are looking for me, I’ll be flying over the battle field in the land of the free.

I’ll be soaring high like a bird in the sky, glaring down at the scene — startled by all of the madness I see.

There is fighting, and mayhem, and hatred, and lying.

People are suffering, systems are controlling — as everyone’s emotions ascend towards the sky.

As I take to the air, my wings are forced to whip through these unavoidable emotions— each one feels just as dangerous as the one that came previously.

They work collectively to place a massive weight upon my wings, making it more difficult for me to fly high.

They distort my optimism and blur my sight because I have gotten used to being governed by everyone else’s plights.

America is supposed to be the land of the free, but how can I claim that liberty when I’ve been living here all of my life and I haven’t even gotten the chance to just be me?

We have standards, and measures, and principles, and merit.

We have religion, we have consequences, we have desires, we have preferences.

We have all of these things, but we still haven’t determined exactly how free we will allow ourselves to be.

We internalize oppression and go to war without a thought.

We make judgements without considering perspective, causing our misunderstandings to divide us.

I envision a world full of emotionally responsible people with the ability to employ empathy for one another.

Some may think that my vision is far fetched, but as I glide through the clouds I can’t help but notice that…

Everyone wants to start a movement, but no REAL movement. There are things that aren’t considered… view points that haven’t been observed… and actions that haven’t been taken.

We are governed not only by our intentions, but also our experiences, perspectives, circumstances, and comfortability.

Society runs on capitalism, hierarchy, competition, incentives, security, and the illusion of scarcity.

There’s no telling why there’s NO REAL MOVEMENT.

Lamaveriq is the creator of the Parental Guidance Curriculum Textbook and Online Course. This curriculum was constructed to provide parents with home-based coaching that will guide them in educating their children about social emotional intelligences. Increasing parental engagement and involvement is also another one of Lamaveriq’s missions. Through this curriculum, she will provide families with clear cut strategies for developing executive functioning skills and promoting positive youth development. 

 Stay connected with Lamaveriq, subscribe to The Indigo’s Corner Blog and Youtube channel.