I didn’t know I was a super hero, I thought I was just some simple kid. Yea, I knew I was talented… of course I knew I was intelligent — but powerful is something that I never knew I was. I didn’t know I had strength or purpose. I just knew about all of the things I could do. I could dance, but I didn’t know it was a super power. I could write, but I never knew how much it could set me free. I was intelligent, but I never knew it would take me anywhere. I was artistic, but I never knew that could inspire people. I was opinionated, but I never knew that made me brave. I thought I was just some simple kid with simple things… I didn’t know I was a super hero.

If I would have been more aware, if I would have known… I would have probably saved the world by now — or least myself. I would have been able to save my creative self from my corporate self. I would have never allowed the corporate world to take away my natural spark. I would have breathed deeper, laughed harder, and took much bigger risks. I would have lived freely without fear, spent more time with family members, and pulled all nighters with my super hero friends.

If I would have known I was a super hero, I would have trained myself on how to channel my powers. I would have been focused on sharpening my discipline, productivity, and consistency. I would have eaten better foods and had a gallon of water each day. I would have read more books, adopted more mentors, and actually listened to my parents. I would have made strategic alliances in my community. I would have made more friends, expressed every feeling I had, and utilized time in solitude wisely. I would have only allowed myself to think my highest thoughts. I would have allowed my actions to be a reflection of the highest part of me.

If I wasn’t so self conscious, I would have noticed my super powers sooner. If I didn’t care about what others thought, I would have allowed myself to really be me. If I learned how to be myself… I wouldn’t have strived to be ‘normal’. I would have married my creativity, knowing that it would provide me with the satisfaction and stability super heroes like me need to survive. I wouldn’t have surrendered to corporate America, trading in my valuable super hero time for limited wages. I would have been flying high in the comfort of my super hero-ness… generating adequate mental health and accumulating wealth. I would have been letting my natural light shine bright, basking in the plan God had for me and my super powers.

I wouldn’t have allowed other people to utilize me solely for their personal gain. I would have recognized my worth — and relieved my mind of self-doubt. I would have never ignored my intuition… every decision that I made in life would have honored the actual super hero in me. I would have been more in touch with God — I would have been able to recognize the plan he devised for me. I wouldn’t have wasted anytime. I would have never victimized myself, or allowed myself to feel depressed. I would not procrastinate, because that’s not how super hero’s save the day. I would have never given into the illusion of feeling ‘stuck’. I wouldn’t have judged myself harshly — I would have thought twice before passing judgement on others. I would have done all of these things knowing that one day I would be known for what I really am — a super hero. I don’t profess to be a role model, and I am surely not an icon. I am a super hero, ready to align myself with all that is right. I’m ready to step into my real true self and inspire others to duplicate.

Everyone has their own super power… no matter how human you think you are. You are born with multiple gifts and infinite possibilities. Overtime you’ll unpack these gifts and blend them into the essence of who you are. We all have the potential to be super heroes. Becoming a super hero means more than owning a super power… when your super powers hold the capacity to impact people, you’ve become that super hero. When your mission to lead diligently outgrows your complacency, you’ve become that super hero. When your thoughts, actions, choices, and outcomes, align with the true essence of who God intended for you to be… you’ve become that super hero.

I didn’t know I was a super hero… but now that it’s clear, I will use my powers to liberate those who thought they weren’t free or powerful. I will lead unselfishly, integrating my knowledge, talents, and interests into my daily routine. My mission is to preserve my creative self and to restore the creative selves of anyone who experienced a loss. Now that I know I am a super hero, I’ll never stop searching for new ways to utilize my super powers.

Lamaveriq is the creator of the Parental Guidance Curriculum Textbook and Online Course. This curriculum was constructed to provide parents with home-based coaching that will guide them in educating their children about social emotional intelligences. Increasing parental engagement and involvement is also another one of Lamaveriq’s missions. Through this curriculum, she will provide families with clear cut strategies for developing executive functioning skills and promoting positive youth development. 

 Stay connected with Lamaveriq, subscribe to The Indigo’s Corner Blog and Youtube channel.

    1 Response to "I Didn’t Know I Was a Super Hero"

    • Ramonah Beasley

      Awesome insight!

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