Parenting pre-teens and teenagers can be both rewarding and challenging. As children enter adolescence, they undergo significant changes and may exhibit behaviors that parents find concerning or challenging. It's essential for parents to manage these behaviors while avoiding unnecessary guilt. In this blog post, we will explore strategies to help parents navigate their children's behaviors and provide actionable ways to become more engaged in their education, growth, and development.

Managing Undesired Behaviors: Strategies to Alleviate Guilt

1. Communication and Empathy:

Open, non-judgmental communication is key to understanding your pre-teen or teenager. Create a safe space where they feel comfortable expressing themselves. Practice active listening, empathy, and validation, which fosters understanding and strengthens your connection.

2. Focus on Behavior, Not the Child:

Separate the behavior from your child's worth as an individual. Address the behavior itself rather than making personal attacks. Emphasize the importance of consequences and learning from mistakes, helping them develop a sense of responsibility.

3. Set Clear Boundaries and Expectations:

Establish clear and consistent rules that reflect your family's values and expectations. Involve your child in the rule-setting process to promote a sense of ownership. Reinforce boundaries with logical consequences and positive reinforcement for desired behaviors.

4. Model Positive Behavior:

Children often emulate their parents' behavior. Be mindful of your own actions and reactions, modeling healthy ways to manage stress and conflicts. Demonstrate empathy, respect, and effective problem-solving skills, which your child can learn and apply in their own lives.

5. Seek Support and Guidance:

Remember that parenting is a journey, and seeking support is not a sign of weakness. Connect with other parents, join support groups, or seek professional guidance when needed. Sharing experiences and gaining insights can help alleviate guilt and provide new perspectives.

Becoming Engaged in Education, Growth, and Development:

1. Active Listening and Emotional Support:

Create a space for your child to talk about their educational experiences. Show genuine interest by actively listening, asking open-ended questions, and offering emotional support. Acknowledge their achievements, challenges, and aspirations.

2. Collaborate with Educators:

Establish open lines of communication with your child's teachers and school staff. Attend parent-teacher conferences, engage in discussions about academic progress, and work together to support your child's educational goals.

3. Encourage Curiosity and Lifelong Learning:

Nurture a love for learning by encouraging your child to explore their interests and pursue new knowledge. Support their hobbies, introduce them to diverse experiences, and provide opportunities for intellectual growth beyond the classroom.

4. Engage in Activities Together:

Participate in shared activities that promote bonding and create lasting memories. It could be anything from cooking together, going on nature walks, attending cultural events, or playing sports. These activities foster connections and strengthen the parent-child relationship.

5. Foster Independence and Responsibility:

Gradually empower your child to take ownership of their education and personal development. Encourage them to set goals, manage their time, and make informed decisions. This instills a sense of responsibility, self-reliance, and builds essential life skills.


Parenting pre-teens and teenagers comes with its unique set of challenges, but by implementing positive parenting strategies and actively engaging in your child's education, growth, and development, you can foster a nurturing and supportive environment. Remember to approach behaviors with empathy, set clear boundaries, seek support when needed, and create opportunities for meaningful connections. Embrace the journey of parenthood, knowing that your efforts and involvement have a lasting impact on your child's well-being and future success.

Lamaveriq is the creator of the Parental Guidance Curriculum Textbook and Online Course. This curriculum was constructed to provide parents with home-based coaching that will guide them in educating their children about social emotional intelligences. Increasing parental engagement and involvement is also another one of Lamaveriq’s missions. Through this curriculum, she will provide families with clear cut strategies for developing executive functioning skills and promoting positive youth development.