Society is Way Too Hard on Parents

Imagine waking up one day and BOOM… you're responsible for a-whole-nother life. You're a parent, you have a child - and you can't change anything about this biological arrangement. It didn't just happen because you wished upon a star for a child . It didn't happen because a giant stork chose you to become a parent- it happened because you had unprotected sex (whether it was good or bad sex), and about 40 weeks later… your baby arrived. Now, I already know what some of you are thinking… and yes some people do make plans to have children. Some people adopt children, some do artificial insemination, and some people choose to become step-parents or legal guardians. The main point is that, whether you've planned to become a parent or not - you have entered a territory that requires you to always prepare to expect the unexpected. Which is EXACTLY why I just can't understand why everyone is so damn hard on parents!

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